Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thinking while Speeding

As I was hurtling through space time at a relative speed of 75 miles per hour per second, (relative, because not factoring in the speed of earth's spin, nor it's rotation around the earth, or even, the apparent expansion of the galaxies) a thought happened in my brain. Not really sure what I was thinking about to get to this particular end game, but it produced the quote:
"Love helps things last, lust keeps things interesting"

And I starting thinking about it, validating it, trying to invalidate it. And, I think , generally, at least, >50% of the time, it is a solid statement. Well, it should be said, this really, at least, in my eyes, applies to relationships, of a romantic basis. And, I figure things go in this general mold.
It all starts with Lust. At least in my eyes, because that's how I tend to view the world. It's all lust, to get you to initiate conversation, that keeps you interested. At least, in the beginning. Then, things either go platonic, or how you "want" it to go, and heads towards romance. Either way, you get to know the person, and if things do go to romance, you either stay in lust, or "graduate" to love. And I know this is all scrambled, but I don't think clearly half the time. Now, when in love, you try to make it work, and hopefully the love goes both ways. And while love is a strong force, in my world, the world of Pines, that can't really be the main, the driving factor. I think that it could, but my world experience, or lack thereof, says that that cannot be ones sole substance. Me, so I project this on others, have to remain interested, and lust is a tool for that. If you lust after the one you love, Things could go that much further. But, if a relationship is built solely on lust, eventually, one MAY find something more interesting, and go on. So you need both, in my eyes.

This makes no sense, but I would like to know what you think on it.

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