But, it sums up the feeling and scope of this thing. My first post. A beginning of a journey, and one that I will allow you to view.
I don't like my situation, and if you have a time machine, that'd be great, but that is for a later post.
I like to use stumbleupon.com, and think it's great. I listen to foreign music, or at least music with a distinctive unAmerican flair. I just don't really like a lot of the stuff that's being pumped out here these days, but I guess that's for a later time as well. I essentially started this for a site that I "stumbledupon".
It's funny, and cool, and rated me 10/10. I think it's lying, but oh well.
If you comment, I may add more stuff, because I do think a lot, about different things in my life, and I guess I would like to be heard. Ah vell! I'll post again when the urge strikes me
I stumbled upon your blog...funny site...I wonder if I am a 10!
Damn, I'm only worth 9/10 goats. No father in law will ever want me. lol
Nice blog, I'll definitley come by to read what you post next.
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